Lindsey Suto, Personal Trainer
Lead Trainer for Fitness Worldwide Gyms
I have been a Certified Personal Trainer for 17 years now. I get excited beyond belief when I see my clients achieve success. I believe that no matter what the age or circumstance anyone can get into the absolute best shape of their lives if they take it one day at a time. I have competed in three Figure Competitions yet my biggest wins come from the joy I see in the eyes of clients who are wearing clothes they never thought possible!

My Before:
My lowest point was picking my mother up from the airport and she walked right past me because she didn’t recognize the person I had “grown” into. The disappointment and worry in her eyes was an even greater blow to my already weak self-esteem. I was in a low place in my life and emotional eating was my only comfort. I stopped looking at the scales when I passed the 200 pound mark.
The turning point came when I realized just how much I avoided the camera and I was saddened at the thought that my son would never have any pictures of the two of us together. The picture to the right is one of a very few that I was “accidentally” caught in. I knew I needed to do something but I was clueless where to start.
I began walking and cutting down from my favorite combo meal to a kids meal. I had no knowledge of nutrition and exercise. Slowly the weight began to come off. Because I was only walking it took almost an entire year to reach my goal weight. When I finally got there, I knew it was time to take action and help others do the same thing.
Career Highlights:
2nd Place Figure Open Class- OCB Southern Atlantic States- 11/11/06
3rd Place Figure Novice Class- OCB Southern Atlantic States- 11/11/06
6th Place Open Figure A Class- NPC Palmetto Cup- 05/24/08
(This involved getting on stage 9 months after birth of 2nd child.)
4th Place Master Figure Over 35- NPC Palmetto Classic- 05/04/13
Personal Trainer
Group Fitness
Prenatal Fitness